Compile for the PhatBox

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Revision as of 23:09, 21 June 2005 by Sbingner (talk | contribs) (Updated crosstool config to produce a compiler that produces programs that don't segfault when linked with full glibc)
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Here are some notes on how to compile C programs to run on the PhatBox. It's from memory, so some of the details may be slightly wrong -- please edit this page if you have any corrections. --bushing

Edit: I recompiled with a combo of gcc and glibc that was listed as supported for ARM on crosstool, the configs I used are listed below. This did NOT segfault on compiled using full glibc rather than diet.


Build a cross-compiler for ARM (the processor used in the PhatBox).

The crosstool utility makes this very easy under Unix-like systems (e.g. Linux).

The configuration files I used were:

arm.dat KERNELCONFIG=`pwd`/arm.config GCC_EXTRA_CONFIG="--with-cpu=arm7tdmi --enable-cxx-flags=-mcpu=arm7tdmi" TARGET=arm-7tdmi-linux-gnu TARGET_CFLAGS="-Os" GLIBC_EXTRA_CONFIG=--enable-omitfp

  1. !/bin/sh

set -ex TARBALLS_DIR=/mnt/lv0/shared/phat/downloads RESULT_TOP=/opt/crosstool export TARBALLS_DIR RESULT_TOP GCC_LANGUAGES="c,c++" CC="gcc" PARALLELMFLAGS="-j 2" export GCC_LANGUAGES DISTCC CC PARALLELMFLAGS eval `cat arm.dat gcc-3.4.3-glibc-2.3.4.dat` sh --notest

(As root) create the directory /opt/crosstool and make it writable by you, and finally (as you) run the demo script, e.g.

$ sudo mkdir /opt/crosstool
$ sudo chown $USER /opt/crosstool
$ sh

...and wait for it to compile.


In order to actually compile programs, you also need a libc (c library). Crosstool will build you a glibc, but none of the programs I compiled with it actually worked.

So, I turned to diet libc - a libc optimized for small size. I found that I had to first make a version for i386 (to get the build-i386/diet program), and then I could build a version for arm. IE:

$ make
$ make arm

You will then have a program called diet in the bin-i386 directory. Copy this into your path, and then you can build programs for the PhatBox by running

$ diet arm-linux-gcc -o hello hello.c

(this is a GCC wrapper)